Israeli man stabbed in terrorist attack on Jerusalem bus

By July 22 2022, 11:13 Latest News No Comments
Jose Hernandez Camera 51 /

Jose Hernandez Camera 51 /

An Israeli man was stabbed in the head with a screwdriver whilst traveling on a bus close to Ramot, northeastern Jerusalem on Tuesday afternoon, in a terrorist attack.

It has been reported that the 41-year-old victim sustained moderate injuries that are not suspected to be life-threatening.

The suspected terrorist, a Palestinian man in his 40s with a permit to work on Israel, was neutralised by Meshi Ben Ami, a civilian photographer for Ynet News who says he got out of his car and “realised it was a terror attack”, adding that when “the stabber came to me, I did not hesitate and fired one bullet at him”. The stabber also sustained moderate injuries that are not life-threatening.

The Gaza-based terrorist organisation Hamas praised the attack calling it an “act of heroism” and stating that it is a “natural response to the crimes of the occupation against the holy places of Islam and Christianity in Jerusalem”.

In a statement after the attack, interim-Prime Minister Yair Lapid wished the unnamed victim a “speedy recovery” and “congratulate[d]” Ben Ami for acting “resolutely” to prevent further injuries. Prime Minister Lapid reiterated then-Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s message from the wave of terror in Israel earlier in the year, by stating that Israel “will not allow terrorism to rear its head and disrupt the routine of our lives. We will settle scores with anyone who tries to harm innocent civilians”.

Following the “serious terrorist incident”, Public Security Minister Omer Barlev expressed that “such an incident will not weaken us in the determined fight against Palestinian terrorism” and added that the “Police are working to protect the security of Israeli citizens, and the officers are determined to thwart any such attempt”.

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