CFI works to promote its twin aims of supporting Israel and promoting Conservatism in the UK. With more than 2,000 supporters, CFI is active at every level of the Conservative Party.

CFI organises numerous events in and around Westminster, takes Conservative parliamentarians and candidates on delegations to Israel, campaigns hard for Tory candidates in target seats, and works to ensure that Israel’s case is fairly represented in Parliament.

After leaving the House in 1974, Michael Fidler created CFI, as he felt the time was right to correct mistaken impressions and to demonstrate strong Conservative support for the State of Israel.

“All my life I’ve been a defender and supporter of Israel. I’m very proud the government I lead is also a strong defender and supporter of Israel. It’s a relationship getting stronger all the time… Thank you, CFI, for everything you do to take forward the friendship and partnership between our countries.”

− Prime Minister Boris Johnson, CFI Annual Business Lunch, November 2021

“The United Kingdom wants to build with our friends and allies around the world, and there is no closer friend and ally than the State of Israel.”

− Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, CFI Conference Reception, October 2021
  • James Gurd

    Executive Director

    James directs and oversees all aspects of CFI’s on-going work, activities and campaigns, as well as formulation of political strategy.

  • Elkie Clark

    Political Director

    Elkie manages CFI’s research and briefings as well as assisting with coordination of CFI’s delegation programme to Israel and the Palestinian Territories.

  • Rachel Blain

    Public Affairs Director

    Rachel manages CFI’s research programme and oversees CFI’s external communications activities, including our annual publications and digital content. Rachel also assists in developing and implementing CFI’s policy campaigns in Parliament.

  • Raffy Lachter

    Parlimentary Officer

    Raffy assists with the delivery of CFI’s parliamentary activity, parliamentary research and publications.


Parliamentary Chairman (Lords)
Rt. Hon. Lord Pickles


Hilda Worth

Deputy Chairman
Jeremy Brier KC

Julia Bekhor

Hon. President
Lord Polak CBE