IDF seize firearms in West Bank arrest raids

By August 24 2022, 17:00 Latest News No Comments


The IDF have conducted arrest raids in the West Bank, seizing several firearms and arresting 14 Palestinians whilst under attack by explosives, Molotov cocktails and gun fire.

The raids come as a part of an increase in anti-terror operations in the West Bank, following a wave of terror attacks against Israelis, which left 19 people dead between March and May. These raids have been concentrated in the Jenin area, where many of these terrorists were operating and where the Palestinian Authority is seen to have lost control to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror organisation. Jenin is regarded as the heartland of PIJ activities in the West Bank with a number of suicide bombers originating from the area during the Second Intifada.

The raids were conducted to arrest wanted Palestinian terror suspects in the West Bank village of Burqin and in the Jenin refugee camp. In total 14 Palestinians were arrested and the IDF seized three M16 rifles, a handgun, military equipment and ammunition.

The incidents follow the arrest on Saturday of three Palestinians women at the Qalqilya crossing into Israel who were found to be in possession of a makeshift submachine gun. The women, who did not have permits to enter Israel were also reportedly found to have a suicide note in the car.

During Tuesday’s raid the IDF came under heavy attack with a variety of weaponry while undertaking the arrests. In Nablus, Molotov cocktails were thrown at troops arresting two wanted Palestinians and at a refugee camp near Bethlehem, cinderblocks were hurled at IDF troops in the area.

Palestinian media organisations have published videos showing an improvised bomb exploding near an IDF soldier inside the Jenin camp, as well as footage of a soldier falling after being hit by Palestinian rock throwers near Hebron.

The IDF have said none of their soldiers were hurt during the raids. Unverified Palestinian reports said two Palestinians were injured by gunfire, but the Palestinian Authority Health Ministry has made no comment.

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