Fugitive Palestinian Gunman Killed Attempting Another Attack

By October 21 2022, 14:12 Latest News No Comments
Roman Yanushevsky / Shutterstock.com

Roman Yanushevsky / Shutterstock.com

An Israeli security guard has been lightly injured in a shooting attack by a Palestinian terrorist. The terrorist was killed while carrying out the attack. Israeli police officials have confirmed that the attacker was Udai Tamimi, who was suspected of killing 18-year-old IDF soldier Sgt. Noa Lazar and seriously injuring a civilian guard in early October. Tamimi had escaped capture following his previous attacks and was previously thought by police to be hiding in the Shuafat refugee camp.

The attack took place on Wednesday at the entrance of the Ma’ale Adumim settlement in East Jerusalem. The Israeli guard, believed to be in his 20s, was taken to Shaare Zedek hospital in Jerusalem with a gunshot injury to the hand.

Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid said: “We will not rest until we lay our hands on every terrorist who harms Israeli civilians and IDF soldiers. We will act with an iron hand and without hesitation against terrorism”. Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz praised the security guards who stopped Tamimi stating: “Their vigilance, professionalism and determination prevented further harm to human life”.

Amid rising tensions in the West Bank, Prime Minister Lapid was among politicians including Opposition Leader Benjamin Netanyahu who condemned the actions of a group of Israeli settlers who attacked Israeli troops as they attempted to break up a demonstration near the Palestinian town of Huwara where the settlers were throwing stones at passing Palestinian vehicles. Prime Minister Lapid said: “The Jewish rioters who violently attacked the IDF soldiers in Huwara last night are dangerous criminals who must be denounced and punished without hesitation and with all severity… They endanger the lives of our soldiers and they harm the State of Israel”.

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