IDF destroys Lion’s Den bomb workshop

By November 02 2022, 17:24 Latest News No Comments
Israeli Defence Forces

Israeli Defence Forces

The Israel Defense Forces have destroyed a bomb workshop in Nablus used by the terror group the ‘Lion’s Den’ during an extensive raid which led to intense clashes between the IDF and Palestinians.

On Tuesday, the IDF raided the workshop to destroy its bomb manufacturing facilities and arrest senior leaders and bomb makers. The IDF destroyed the bomb factory using shoulder-launched missiles and were met with heavy fire from terrorists defending the facility. A senior leader and founder of the Lion’s Den, Wadee al-Houh was the main target of the raid and was killed during the fighting. Al-Houh was responsible for the manufacture of explosive devices and procuring other weapons for the group.

A spokesman for the IDF stated: “A joint force of IDF soldiers, Shin Bet security service agents and anti-terror raid forces raided a hideaway in Nablus’s old city that was being used as a bomb workshop by central members of Lion’s Den”.

The Lion’s Den was only recently established but it has already claimed responsibility for a number of deadly terror attacks against Israeli serviceman and civilians. The group was formed from members of other known terror groups and began to escalate its attacks following the death of senior Al-Asqa Martyr’s Brigade member Ibrahim al-Nabulsi in August.

During the raid another four gunmen were killed when a mass riot of Palestinians broke out in the area, with some shooting at IDF soldiers who returned fire. An IDF spokesman said: “During the operation, dozens of Palestinians burned fires and threw stones at troops”. According to the Palestinian Health Authority, 20 Palestinians were injured during the riots. No IDF soldiers were injured during the raid. A sixth Palestinian man was killed closer to Ramallah when he attempted to throw an explosive device at IDF soldiers.

Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid stated: “Israel will never be deterred from acting for its security. Part of this squad are people who hurt Ido Baruch, and the moment they hurt us, IDF soldiers and Israeli civilians, they should know it will end badly”. Lapid was referring to 21-year-old IDF Staff Sgt Ido Baruch who was killed in a shooting earlier this month, for which the Lion’s Den claimed responsibility.

Following the raid, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad announced that their “fighters were involved in violent clashes” and threatened Israel with reprisals “against these crimes”.

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