Al Quds Rally takes place in London

By April 21 2023, 13:27 Latest News No Comments


The annual Al Quds Rally was held in London last Sunday, with approximately 1500 people taking part in the march from the Home Office to Downing Street.

Although Hezbollah flags are now banned from being displayed in the UK, participants of the rally waved Iranian flags and a framed portrait of deceased Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) leader Qasem Soleimani headed the march.

Placards spewed antisemitism, with one reading “Where Did All the Nazis Go After WW2? Israel”, and others featuring a swastika alongside the Israel flag.

The Israeli flag was set aflame by attendees.

Speeches made at the rally were similar to the speeches made at Iran’s own Al Quds Parade.

In Tehran there were calls for “resistance” to “protect” Jerusalem, with Speaker of the Iranian Parliament, Mohammad Qalibaf, telling demonstrators that Israel is the “root” of problems in the region and that the Palestinians are “actively confronting Israeli aggression from Gaza to the heart of Tel Aviv”.

Al Quds Day, named for the Arabic word for Jerusalem, is an anti-Israel day of protest, first initiated by Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979.

The London branch of the rally is organised by the Islamic Human Rights Commission.

Iran is currently promoting violent uprisings within Israel and the West Bank as well as orchestrating rocket attacks against Israel via its proxy terror groups.

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