CFI appoints Hilda Worth as new Chair as Stephen Massey becomes Conservative Party Chief Executive

By November 09 2022, 16:38 Latest News No Comments

Hilda WorthHilda Worth has today succeeded Stephen Massey as Chair of Conservative Friends of Israel, following his announcement as the new Chief Executive of the Conservative Party.

Stephen has been central to the success of CFI and its activities for over a decade, serving as Chairman since April 2022 and as Treasurer between 2010 and 2022. CFI would like to thank him for everything he has achieved and wish him well in his important new position as the Conservative Party prepares for the next General Election.

CFI is delighted to confirm that Hilda Worth has become the new Chair of CFI. Hilda is well-known within the CFI organisation and the Conservative Party having served as Deputy Chair of CFI since 2010. Hilda sits as a Presiding Magistrate in the criminal court and family court. She is currently Vice Chair of World Jewish Relief and has a wide range of philanthropic interests. Hilda Co-Chaired Jewish Women’s Aid, a charitable organisation for Jewish women and children who are victims of domestic abuse, for five years.

Hilda brings an invaluable wealth of experience to the position and we congratulate her on her appointment.

Hilda Worth, CFI’s incoming Chair said: “I am excited to become CFI’s new Chair. The UK- Israel relationship is set to become even stronger as the UK Government pursues a ground-breaking UK-Israel Free Trade Agreement and delivers legislation tackling BDS. Thanks to my 15 years of experience within the CFI organisation I look forward to hitting the ground running and deepening the understanding of Israel at all levels of the Conservative Party”.

Stephen Massey, CFI outgoing Chairman said: “It has been a pleasure to see CFI develop so much over the last decade and it has been a particular honour to lead the organisation during what has been another standout year in the history of the UK-Israel relationship. From CFI’s delegation programme and packed reception event at Party Conference through to the regular contributions in support of Israel in Parliament, time and again this year I have witnessed the genuine depth and warmth of support that Israel receives within the Conservative Parliamentary Party and from thousands of activists. The future looks brighter still and I wish Hilda every success as she becomes Chair”.

Lord Polak CBE, CFI Honorary President said: “All of us in the CFI organisation wish Stephen well in his new position where he will play a crucial role in shaping the Conservative Party for the next General Election. Stephen has made an enormous contribution to CFI over many years and he will take great experience to his new role. Congratulations to Hilda Worth on becoming the new Chair of CFI – the first woman to hold the position and someone who knows the organisation inside out”.

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