Israel provides Ukraine with further protective equipment

By July 15 2022, 15:18 Latest News No Comments
(Bumble Dee /

(Bumble Dee /

Israel’s Defence Minister Benny Gantz announced on Tuesday that Israel had sent a second shipment of protective equipment to Ukraine. The shipment which will be delivered to Ukrainian emergency services via a neighbouring European country, reportedly includes 1,500 helmets and protective vests, hundreds of mine protection suits, 1,000 gas masks as well as dozens of hazmat filtration systems.

This is the second shipment sent to Ukraine from Israel, with the first being sent in April following reports of mass killing of civilians, rape and other atrocities committed by Russian forces in Bucha, a Ukrainian suburb of Kyiv.

Israel has sent some 100 tons of humanitarian aid, as well as setting up a field hospital in western Ukraine for six weeks.

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