Middle East Minister: Iran’s Nuclear Programme More Advanced than Ever

By July 22 2022, 09:42 Latest News No Comments
saeediex / Shutterstock.com

saeediex / Shutterstock.com

Middle East Minister Amanda Holding MP has said “Iran’s nuclear programme is more advanced that ever”, adding that the UK would “carefully consider all options” if the country doesn’t accept a renegotiated nuclear deal.

Responding to a Written Parliamentary Question by Conservative MP Robert Jenrick, the Middle East Minister said that the JCPOA “will collapse” if Iran continues to escalate its nuclear programme. She underlined that in this scenario the UK will “carefully consider all options in partnership with our allies”.

Mr. Jenrick’s question referred to the “implications” of “Iran’s non-compliance with the JCPOA”, following IAEA reports it was “extremely concerned” over Iran’s refusal to answer questions on undeclared nuclear sites and that the country was already enriching uranium to 60% purity. The Minister responded by stating Iran’s nuclear programme is “continuing to worsen” and adding: “This includes producing Highly Enriched Uranium which is unprecedented for a state without a nuclear weapons programme”.

This question comes following Mr. Jenrick leading a Backbench Business debate earlier this month about the UK’s response to the Iran’s growing nuclear programme and the ongoing talks to return the country to a renewed JCPOA agreement. At the end of the debate a motion was passed showing the House’s deep concern about Iran’s nuclear activities.

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