Tensions rise in West Bank after two Israeli soldiers killed in shooting attacks

By October 14 2022, 15:23 Latest News No Comments
Roman Yanushevsky / Shutterstock.com

Roman Yanushevsky / Shutterstock.com

Tensions have risen in the West Bank in recent days amid clashes following the deaths of two Israeli soldiers in shooting attacks by Palestinian terrorists.

Staff Sgt. Ido Baruch, 21, was killed in a shooting in the northern West Bank on Tuesday with responsibility for the attack claimed by the ‘Lion’s Den’, an armed Palestinian faction. The soldier was shot while his unit was securing a march held by Israeli settlers over a number of recent shootings in the West Bank. The Lion’s Den faction was reportedly established recently by members previously affiliated with Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade.

The soldier’s death follows a shooting attack on Saturday near Jerusalem when Sgt. Noa Lazar, 18, was killed and a civilian security guard was seriously wounded.

Israeli anti-terror operations in the West Bank have increased following a wave of terror attacks against Israelis, which left 19 people dead between March and May this year.

Gun battles between Israeli forces and Palestinian gunmen have taken place in the West Bank, including clashes during arrest raids in Jenin – where many terrorists from recent attacks were operating and where the Palestinian Authority (PA) is seen to have lost control to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terror organisation. Jenin is regarded as the heartland of PIJ activities in the West Bank with a number of suicide bombers originating from the area during the Second Intifada.

Over 100 Palestinians have been killed during Israeli operations this year, many during clashes and while carrying out terror attacks. A Palestinian doctor died on Friday after being wounded in a gun battle with Israeli forces; Israeli security sources said Abdullah Abu Tin, the doctor, was armed and involved in the gunfight and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group reportedly claimed Abu Tin as a member.

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