UK-Israel trade talks to formally commence as transport links grow

By August 26 2022, 11:02 Latest News No Comments
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International Trade Secretary Anne-Marie Trevelyan has this week announced the first round of UK-Israel trade talks will formally commence in September, while Transport Secretary Grant Shapps signed a major Memorandum of Understanding enabling the sharing of UK expertise in developing large-scale rail infrastructure during his visit to Tel Aviv.

Revealing the fast-approaching launch of the much-anticipated negotiations, Mrs Trevelyan pledged that the much-anticipated talks would “lay the groundwork for an ambitious FTA that will deepen our economic ties across services, digital & procurement”. The announcement was made following a meeting with Israel’s Ambassador to the UK, H.E. Tzipi Hotovely, who said Israel was “looking forward” to the talks and “delivering a renewed Free Trade Agreement that strengthens our trade & collaboration in many key areas”.

The Transport Secretary, Grant Shapps MP visited Israel this week where he signed a Memorandum of Understanding to share the UK’s expertise on large-scale rail projects. The visit included a meeting with the Israeli Transport Minister Merav Michaeli and a tour of the new light rail line in Tel Aviv – the most complicated and largest infrastructure project in the country’s history.

Israel is already the UK’s third largest transport goods trading partner, with a relationship worth £144 million a year. This new MOU will deepen the relationship even further, allowing easier access to Israeli public sector contracts for UK businesses and British engineers.

The MOU follows the successful opening of the Elizabeth line, with the hope the knowledge gained during construction can be extended to Israel by the Crossrail International advisory company. Crossrail International, which is owned by the Department of Transport, will advise Israel on the design, safety and sustainability of its new rail projects.

Mr Shapps stated: “Today’s partnership further ingrains our commitment to a global Britain, helping our world-leading rail industry to extend its expertise to friends overseas, while unlocking fresh business opportunities to boost the UK economy”.

The Israeli Transport Minister, Merav Michaeli stated: “Transport is a national security issue. This is accepted and understood around the world, and I am happy to strengthen ties and enter into agreements with other countries that make Israel stronger”.

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