Antisemitic chants referencing murder of Jews heard at US Embassy protest in London

By December 13 2017, 16:14 Latest News No Comments

Protest-2-635x357Antisemitic chants calling for the murder of Jews were heard at an anti-Israel protest outside the US Embassy in London on Friday.

Demonstrators at the rally, which was held in response to US President Donald Trump’s formal recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, were heard screaming “Khaybar Khaybar, ya yahud, Jaish Muhammad, sa yahud” – which translates as “Jews, remember Khaybar the army of Muhammad is returning”.

The chant references an infamous massacre of Jews in the year 628, known as the battle of Khaybar.

The protest was attended by up to 3,000 activists, and cries of “death to Israel, death to America” were also heard”.

Rt. Hon. Michael Gove MP, condemned the actions of the protesters at CFI’s Annual Business Lunch on Monday, referring to the chants and stating that “These people keep showing their true colours – again and again”.

Placards bearing what appeared to be swastikas were displayed in the crowd near the podium where a series of speakers launched attacks on Israel and Donald Trump.

The London protest was organised by groups including the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Stop the War Coalition, Palestinian Forum in Britain and Friends of Al Aqsa.

The anti-Semitic chanting was condemned in a joint statement issued by organisers, who claim that “after the main demonstration had disbanded some of those who had been present remained and chanted slogans which demonstrated hatred and advocated violence”.

The Board of Deputies of British Jews, Community Security Trust and Jewish Leadership Council issued a joint response to the incident in a sign of communal unity, condemning the anti-Semitic chanting.

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