Communities Secretary marks Holocaust Memorial Day

By January 27 2017, 14:55 Latest News No Comments

Sajid Javid HMDSpeaking at the national event to mark Holocaust Memorial Day, Communities and Local Government Secretary Rt. Hon. Sajid Javid MP emphasised the importance of Holocaust remembrance in the light of previous failures of the international community to heed the lessons of the Holocaust.

Minister Javid illustrated the “repeated failure” to learn from the Holocaust, speaking of genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Darfur, and Bosnia.

Drawing upon sentiments written by Anne Frank, Mr Javid stated: “People can be good. We can be better. We just need to be remind of out failings and not permitted to forget what happens when hatred is left to grow unchecked. So, life can go on because life must go on. Because we must remember”.

The Communities Secretary told the audience that the Holocaust began “with ordinary people not standing up to hatred”.

Mr Javid alongside Special Envoy for Post-Holocaust Issues Rt. Hon. Sir Eric Pickles MP, is leading work on the National Holocaust Memorial and Learning Centre which will be built outside Parliament. Ten concept designs have now been shortlisted for the Memorial after a competition was launched in September 2016.

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