Over 80 Israeli health and tech companies join fight against COVID-19

By April 01 2020, 14:30 Latest News No Comments

Over 80 Israeli companies are working on supplying a wide variety of solutions to help combat the COVID-19 outbreak. The extent of their expertise ranges from remote monitoring to diagnostic and decision support, helping with protection and prevention and also addressing the social and mental health aspects of the virus.

A map developed by Start-Up Nation Central and HealthIL depicts the companies taking part in the efforts against the virus.

Many of the Israeli companies helping with the fight against COVID-19 are providing solutions for the remote monitoring of patients. Such solutions include monitoring patients’ key vitals, such as heart and lung-function and temperature readings. This allows high-risk populations such as the elderly to be monitored as well as those that are quarantined without confirmed cases. Remote monitoring reduces the burden on hospitals and the wider healthcare network, whilst also providing patients with some peace of mind regarding the severity of their symptoms.

In Israel’s largest hospital, The Sheba Medical Centre, an artificial intelligence model developed by Israeli company EarlySense is working to remotely monitor patients’ key vitals and aims to predict which patients may be at risk of experiencing respiratory failure or sepsis within the next six to eight hours.

Other Israeli companies are using their chemical engineering and artificial intelligence expertise to develop physical protection, such as masks, and anti-viral coating for the testing booths.

Additionally, companies are providing innovative diagnostic technologies to support medical staff to streamline their decision-making process in a period of intense stress and pressure. Primarily, this involves machine-learning based solutions that can help healthcare networks by prioritising high risk patients, based on indicators like voice samples.

For more information about the Israeli companies working on COVID-19 innovation and research, visit the coronavirus directory on Start-Up Nation Finder.

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