SPECIAL BRIEFING DAY 220: Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron: Halting UK’s supply of weapons to Israel wouldn’t be a “wise path”

By May 13 2024, 18:58 Latest News No Comments

Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron: Halting UK’s supply of weapons to Israel wouldn’t be a “wise path”

Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron said that halting the UK’s supply of weapons to Israel wouldn’t be a “wise path” during interviews with BBC and Sky News on Sunday morning.

Stopping weapons deliveries would only “strengthen Hamas” and “make a hostage deal less likely”, he added, noting that “the UK provides less than 1 per cent of Israel’s weapons”.

Lord Cameron told Sky News that “the last time I was urged to [halt weapons supplies to Israel]… there was a brutal attack by Iran on Israel”.

He told the BBC that “the real pressure” should be put on the terror group to “agree to that hostage deal. The fighting could stop tomorrow”. Calling Hamas “terrible, dreadful, inhuman people”, he clarified that “a sustainable ceasefire does need Hamas to no longer be capable of launching attacks into Israel, otherwise it’s not sustainable”.

The Foreign Secretary condemned Hamas’ “callous” publication of a proof of life video of British-Israeli hostage, 51-year-old Nadav Popplewell, before they claimed he had been killed. Lord Cameron said that the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office is investigating what happened.

“Hamas have been offered a deal… And they’re not taking that deal. So, the question really, I think, is for Hamas… why are you allowing this suffering to go on when you could stop it now?”, questioned the Foreign Secretary.

Lord Cameron said that UNRWA’s “own workers were involved in October 7th”, and that the UK cannot be expected to “pile back in”, after halting funding to the organisation.

He also called out the BBC for reportedly biased reporting of the Israel-Hamas War, and said that “if you kill grandmothers, you kidnap babies, you rape people, you shoot children in front of their parents, what more do they need to do for the BBC to say, look these are terrorists”.

Israel marks Yom Hazikaron ahead of subdued 76th Independence Day

“At the beginning of the current war, which began with the terrible massacre, we heard of countless acts of sacrifice, stories of heroism and displays of mutual commitment that will be remembered for generations”, said Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu marking Yom HaZikaron, the Jewish State’s Remembrance Day for fallen soldiers and victims of terror.

Events marking the solemn occasion were held across the country today, including an 11am two-minute silence

“Our loved ones who fell in battle represent our eternal values. Love of man and nation, love of country, willingness to sacrifice and belief in the righteousness of the path”, Netanyahu said during a ceremony at Mount Herzl.

Israel’s President Isaac Herzog also addressed the crowd. “Our present will not be whole, and our wound will not heal, until all the hostages return — our beloved brothers and sisters, who are in distress and captivity”, he stated. “No one can truly understand the magnitude of the void that has opened in your lives. Our role, the role of the entire people of Israel, is to support you”.

Since 7 October, 711 soldiers have lost their lives. 520 orphans are left without their parents, 1294 parents are left without their children, there are 248 widows, and 2174 bereaved siblings.

Israel will mark Yom Ha’atzmaut tomorrow, the country’s Independence Day. Celebrations will be subdued in light of 7 October, according to reports.

Hamas rocket fire targeting Israel intensifies

Hamas rocket fire has intensified in recent days with major attacks on Israeli cities – including the first attack on Beersheba from Hamas in six months (25 miles from Gaza).

An apartment in Ashkelon, southern Israel, was devastated after being struck directly by a Hamas rocket on 12 May.

The assault follows Hamas’ launching of fourteen rockets at the southern Israeli city of Beersheba on 10 May from the terror group’s last stronghold in Rafah – striking a children’s playground and injuring one 37-year old woman.

“We saw a lot of commotion and damage to the playground”, said medics from Magen David Adom (MDA).

Although children at the playground managed to reach shelter before impact, images of the scene showed mangled instillations after four of the rockets hit the playground.

The IDF reportedly responded by destroying both the rocket launch sites of the Hamas rocket attack.

Israel’s Eurovision entry comes fifth

“It’s a great privilege to be here and to represent the nation”, said 20-year-old Eden Golan after coming fifth place in Eurovision this weekend for her performance “Hurricane”.

The artist came second in public televotes, scoring the maximum of 12 points from viewers in the UK.

“I got to represent everyone who has fallen . . . Thank you, I felt everyone’s love and support. Just thanks”, Golan told reporters.

Golan was met with serious security threats at this year’s contest. She was told to stay in her hotel room, and was escorted to the arena by a convoy of police cars and a helicopter overhead. Ronen Bar, Director of the Shin Bet, was sent to Malmo to accompany the Israeli delegation.

CFI’s Public Affairs Director wrote an opinion piece in the Jewish News on Friday arguing that attacking Eden will not bring about a ceasefire or a future two-state solution. The only thing it achieves is stoking more hostility.

Iranian lawmaker: “We have achieved nuclear weapons”

“We have achieved nuclear weapons”, declared Iranian lawmaker Ahmad Bakhshayesh Ardestani to the media station Rouydad on 10 May.

“We do not announce it”, the politician continued, before adding that Iran’s “policy is to possess nuclear bombs, but our declared policy is currently within the framework of the [Iran nuclear deal]”.

Ardestani said that as a “staunch supporter of the Resistance Front, it is natural… that Iran possess nuclear bombs. However, whether Iran declares it is another matter”.

The deal, which involves the UK, U.S.A., and other Western allies as guarantors, was designed to exchange massive economic sanctions relief to Tehran for assurances that it will not refrain from building nuclear weapons within a limited time period. The deal has failed to curb Iran’s nuclear activities and Tehran now routinely enriches uranium in excess of that permitted.

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